What Do You Wonder About?

I ran across a diagram the other day in my moleskin about figuring out what my current struggle is in my life. I like to change the title to What Do You Wonder About because I like to keep my words on the positive end of the spectrum.

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The four main topics in this diagram are purpose, community, gift, and concept.

With each topic comes questions to guide you through the process you are in at the moment. I’m wondering about my life, wondering where I currently belong in this diagram, wondering if I’ll always be wondering about one of these topics the rest of my life. I have a theory that change makers, entrepreneurs, and Knowmads (nomads) can go back to this diagram and place themselves in at least one quadrant no matter where they are in life.

When I first started Knowmads, I was working with the topics of gift and purpose. I had a new community at Knowmads so that felt good and I felt like I had concept down as well. I knew who I was and who I wanted to become. That’s why I was at Knowmads, I just needed to figure out how to bring it out (and what) into the world and exactly WHAT that was.

Now that I’m done with Knowmads and am not physically near my Knowmads community, the topic I’m wondering about now is community.

The questions I’m working with now…

  • How do I want to contribute in this new community I’m living in?
  • How can I create my own sub-community that’s linked to my Knowmadic life?
  • In which ways can I collaborate within my city or the surrounding area? (I live in Martinsburg, WV people)
  • How do I bring my purpose, gift, and concept into my community where we all can thrive?
  • What is the essence of this community? What is its personality?

I’m living in a completely new place where the only people I can really talk to are my parents and that’s an overstatement. The good thing is that bubble is expanding. I’m no longer just sitting behind a computer in the house, I’m working with people who were born in raised in this community. At my job I serve the people who live here. And even though it’s not my dream community, I look at my situation as a social project.

It’s so interesting to see how people live around here. How they live their life in suburbia and let me clarify this is no Astoria Lane. So the question that lingers in my head is how I can create a community here where we all are striving for greatness and want to constantly be tapped into our power? How can I see the possibility that is here and make something happen?

My question to you is what do you wonder about in your life at the moment? Are you even in one of the quadrants?

Is it figuring out what your gift is and how to contribute it to the world?

What your purpose is and why you’re here on Earth?

Are you trying to figure out what type of change you are aiming for?

Of do you just want to know who you want to become? Who are you?